Sámi Museum and Nature Centre Siida offers its visitors a rich and vivid package of information on Sámi culture and norther nature. Siida, which opened in 1998, is today one of Northern Lapland’s most popular destinations. Our image bank includes an abundance of photos of Siida, its permanent exhibitions and the current temporary exhibition at the given time. You may use the images free of charge when writing about or reporting on our activities and services.
We will be happy to help if you need more information on the Sámi Museum and Northern Lapland Nature Centre’s activities or exhibitions or you want to interview an expert specialised in these. You can also contact us, in matters related to media visits.
Additional information and contact details:
Head of Marketing Taija Aikio
Tel. +358 (0)40 484 7329
Email: taija.aikio(at)samimuseum.fi
Museum Director, CEO Taina Máret Pieski
Tel. +358 (0)50 535 1574
Email: taina.pieski(at)samimuseum.fi