The Sámi Museum Siida’s temporary photograph exhibition “Albma olbmot – The Real People” displays Pekka Sammallahti’s black-and-white portraits of people living in the north, showing them in their everyday surroundings. The time span is seven decades, starting from the 1960s. The exhibition focuses on people living on the Teno River and its river system, but there are also portraits from Inari, Enontekiö, Sodankylä, Kaaresuvanto, Gällivare and the Varanger and Alta fjords, etc. The title reflects the rather common custom of indigenous peoples of calling themselves the real people.
The exhibition has been curated by Marja Helander. Helander is a renowned photographic artist, who has also created short films in the past few years. The exhibition has been produced by the Sámi Museum Siida.
The exhibition “Albma olbmot – The Real People” by Pekka Sammallahti is displayed at the Sámi Museum Siida in Inari 23.6.2020–31.3.2021. In the summer season, Siida is open every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.