Who we are
The Sámi Museum and Nature Centre Siida is located in the town of Inari, in the Sámi Homeland. The Sámi Museum and Northern Lapland Nature Centre are responsible for organizing activities at Siida.
The Sámi Museum Siida is a national museum responsible for its special field, Sámi culture, and a regional museum responsible for tasks concerning cultural environments in the Sámi Area. We store the spiritual and material culture of the Finnish Sámi in our collections and display it in exhibitions and publications.
Northern Lapland Nature Centre is one of the Metsähallitus-maintained nature centres in Finland. Nature centres are diverse destinations and sources of diverse and interesting information on nature. Information about the nature in North Lapland is displayed in Siida’s exhibitions. We at Nature Centre Siida’s Customer Service provide answers to questions related to hiking, travel, permits and licences in Lapland’s most northern areas the municipalities of Inari and Utsjoki.
The private company Ravintola Sarrit is responsible for the operation of the cafe-restaurant in Siida.
Our website is: https://siida.fi.
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